Travel Must Haves

Hey Y’all,   Last year I took a new job with an amazing company that required travel. I have never traveled regularly so there was some big adjustments in all areas of my life but several people ask me for travel tips and advice for staying on track. I plan on doing several posts on travel but I wanted to share at the moment my top 11 things I don’t travel without!
  1. Advocate Spark– I’ve been a Spark fan for years. I use them as my “pre workout”. It has the perfect amount of caffeine, yet doesn’t give me jitters and the bonus is they are packed with 20 vitamins that work for me! 
  2. Lavender Essential Oil– A few years back I fell in love with essential oils. They can help you with so many things naturally. Lavender specifically helps with anxiety, headaches and sleep. ALL of which I struggle with when I travel, not sleeping in my own bed and not waking up to my babies.
  3. Thieves Essential Oil– I’ll start with airports and airplanes are NASTY. If I really start to think about it, I start to gross myself out. I put Thieves on my feet when I’m getting dressed to leave. Thieves has so many purposes but the main ones that stand out to me is it’s cleansing abilities and immune system support.
  4. Devotional-  Being a traveling mom, it can test your faith and sometimes your purpose. I always try and travel with a small devotional that I can read in 10 minutes first thing in the morning. 
  5. Melatonin- Sleeping in a different bed, different noises and without your fan blowing. Falling asleep can be a challenge in a hotel room, learned this the hard way but I don’t travel without these babies! 
  6. Dry Shampoo– Does anyone plan their calendar around washing their hair? If you saw me right now, my hand would be high in the sky! This is HANDS down the BEST dry shampoo I’ve ever used in my life. (comes in travel size too my friends)
  7. Fitness Bands– I keep one or two of these in my bag just incase the hotel gym is tiny and I need something a little extra!
  8. RX Bar– I love snacks, don’t we all? Making smart choices can be hard on the road so I try and always keep one of these bars or two in my purse. Also helps my “hangry” side come out. 
  9. Pedialyte– Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Traveling dehydrates you, sometimes you need more than just water. Not to mention these things taste AMAZING. (you’re welcome!)
  10. Apple Airpods– I’ve always traveled with bose headphones or beats. A few months back, I took the plunge and got these and there is no turning back. If you need a new solid pair of head phones these tiny things are hands down the best on the market.
  11. Belif Aqua Bomb– Remember what I said above about hydrating? That includes your face too. When I travel, my skin is also thirstier than ever. This is hands down my favorite moisturizer at the moment.  
  Thanks for reading along! Xoxo, Lexie
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