Hey y’all,
Happy New year! I feel like it was just 12 months ago when I was planning out my vision and goals for 2019. I was coping with turing 30 and realigning some of my goals. Man how time flies by. 2019, you were filled with great joy, laughter, love, loss, tears and growth. You reminded me how precious life is, how quickly it could change and also how you truly have to trust God’s plan in every area of your life.
So hello 2020! I am so excited for what you have in store. I shared a little motto on Instagram last night that I firmly believe is perfect for this year which is “Why not now?” Sounds pretty simple right? Well let me give you a little background, I am a self diagnosed procrastinating perfectionist. For those who don’t know what that means it means in the most basic terms, I strive for perfection. I am so competitive to my core that truthfully I believe the words of Ricky Bobby- “if you ain’t first you’re last.” While it is a strength in many areas of my life it can also like many strengths have it’s weaknesses. So because I am a perfectionist I can sometimes tend to put things off if I don’t know or feel confident in the approach. Or if there is too much uncertainty I will sometimes shut down all together. I’m sharing this with you because this year I witnessed and experienced great loss. I watched life change in the blink of an eye and there is always that Monday morning quarterback feeling of “should’ve, could’ve or would’ve.” While I can’t confidently say I’ll ever become this easy breezy, fly by the seat of my pants and not over think things person. I am hoping to appreciate the here and now more. Also to know that sometimes life is sloppy or messy and frankly, that is okay!
So let’s talk goals. As we kick off the new year I want to continue to provide content you all want. I get a lot of questions around fitness, nutrition and healthy lifestyle so I plan to continue to focus on these areas and what works for me. But I’ve always been taught since a young age, “Look good feel good.” (thanks mom) I guess it’s something I’ve always carried with me. I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite leggings I’ve tried this year in all price ranges. So hopefully if your goal this year has something to do with fitness you can find the right pair of leggings for you.

So let’s start with my all time favorite’s, Lululemon Align Leggings . Let me start by saying, yes I understand these are the most expensive pair I am sharing. Also let me share that just four years ago I swore I’d never spend this on a pair of leggings. But if we are being honest here, in this case. You get what you pay for. They fit, don’t smell when you sweat, hold up and frankly are the comfiest pair of leggings I own. If you’re in the market to splurge, $98 a pair and I promise you won’t regret it. (for reference I wear a size 2 and the 7/8’s or 25 lengths are perfect for me)
Alright my number two go to are the GapFit High Rise 7/8 Leggings. Believe it or not would say these are the closest to #1 as I’ve tired. Now not all Gap legging but SPECIFICALLY these and it’s something about the waste band being different material. It holds me in without squeezing me. The quality isn’t AS good as Lululemon, meaning some lose strings from time to time but I’m two years in with some of them and get asked regularly what brand they are. Oh the best part, I usually can ALWAYS find them on sale. I’ve paid as low as $34 for a pair. (for reference I wear a size XS and buy the 7/8’s length)
So I had to try the infamous, Fabletics Leggings. I’ve seen them EVERYWHERE . 2/$24 and had to figure out if they were worth the hype. So I got two pairs and I will say, I was impressed. Are they as good as Lululemon, no. BUT they have such cute colors and styles and super affordable. I have only had mine a few months so I don’t know how they hold up yet but as of now I would recommend. (for reference I got an XS and bought the crop length and they fit me like full length leggings.)
Alright so these Colorfulkoala Women’s leggings are an Amazon find. I have seen a TON of bloggers post about these as Lululemon dupes and while I will agree with the fit, I struggle with the material. I need the “LUXE” material that dog hair, dog drool, kids spit and everything else thrown my way doesn’t show up on. (Sorry just being honest, mom life over here) Maybe they do have a different material because the color options are endless, but these are budget friendly under $25. (I wear an XS for reference)
Last one up, Athleta Leggings.Let me start by saying, I LOVE my Athleta leggings. I have a pair that literally feel like butter and I could live in them. But I have had a few issues with quality after washing and with the price almost the same as Lululemon, I expected more. (I’m a XS for reference)
I know there are tons of brands out there now and just know, I am in no way endorsed by any of these brands. Just my honest opinions. I wear leggings almost everyday so I tend to be very picky. Let me know if you have any that you swear by, I’d love to give them a try in the New Year.
Last thing, I’ll be doing a social media fast just like I did last year over the next 21 days. I did this last year and it helped me in so many ways. I’ll be working on content and posts over those 21 days but mainly I’ll be pouring my energy into redefining my relationship with God and listening into his visions for me this year. Hope you’ve had a great start to the new year, as always thanks for reading along!
